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CSB planning tools for the digital supply chain

Planning and Forecasting

Successfully manage complex order networks

Secure production and delivery

Plan ahead to make better decisions

Ensuring supply chain agility and security

A resilient supply chain is more important than ever before. Flexible, predictive, and reliable processes are critical. In a continually changing marketplace, you need to be able to make the right decisions and to make them quickly. The digital planning tools in the CSB-System help you to absorb disruptions in the supply chain while making it agile and further optimizing it.

Optimal resource planning, organization, and management

CSB Production Planning substantially reduces your production cost and enables you to flexibly schedule and fulfill even short-term orders. Multiple planning horizons provide an overview of the volumes to be produced as well as of the machine and staff capacities in your departments.

What if

Good inventory decisions require reliable forecasting and requirement planning. Whether daily sales forecasts or anticipatory planning of future requirements: CSB’s scenario planning supplies well-founded forecasts and provides automatic suggestions so you can reliably plan on what is coming next.

Find out how to utilize digitization for your planning processes.

Experience the key functions of CSB Production Planning in our demo video.

Watch the demo video now


Pressed for time: how to make good use of digitalization

In our on-demand webinar, our experts show you in detail how to succeed with the digital transformation of your planning processes and provide invaluable tips on what matters most in digital planning.

View Webinar

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