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Best-practice processes in the meat industry
Based on best-practice processes of our customers, the Virtual Meat Factory shows you ways…
Explore the Virtual Meat Factory
Vestocor - Flexible, integrated, future-proof
Industrial coatings manufacturer Vestocor has made a giant leap in the digitalization of…
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Foodex Manufacturing Solutions 2025
My ERP.Food Management Made Easy. Successful food producers know that product quality is…
CSB-System at IFFA: Mastering Meat Business with CSB
Are you coming to Frankfurt? Meet us and get to know our smart solutions for the meat…
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The New Generation of the CSB Rack
With brand-new updates and many advanced functionalities, our robust industrial PC for…
ERP Software Demo
Take a close look at our ERP system. Watch our Demo Video of the most important functions, for example production planning, cutting, traceability and our web apps.