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Vestocor - Flexible, integrated, future-proof
Industrial coatings manufacturer Vestocor has made a giant leap in the digitalization of…
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CSB-System at IFFA: Mastering Meat Business with CSB
Are you coming to Frankfurt? Meet us and get to know our smart solutions for the meat…
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The New Generation of the CSB Rack
With brand-new updates and many advanced functionalities, our robust industrial PC for…
Incarlopsa - Maximum digitalization in three phases
Upsizing to a digital 70,000 m² abattoir in three phases – Spanish pork producer…
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Profitable growth vs. scaling up: How you can use digitalization for this
On-demand webinar: Food Business Masterclass Digital Growth
ERP solutions for the chemical, pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries
Watch our demo video of the most important functions, like container management, production planning, hazardous materials management, and many more.