Rischart’s Backhaus
Traditional bakery with efficient IT for head office and subsidiaries
Download the storyIndustry: Bread & Bakery
In its 15 subsidiaries, the bakery Max Rischart’s Backhaus KG established in Munich caters to approx. eight million customers per year. Using the CSB-System, Rischart´s Backhaus ensures among others the optimal communication between head office and subsidiaries. This way, efficient information and material flows are secured.
In production and sales at Rischart’s Backhaus, several IT components are connected directly to the ERP-System, for example the goods distribution system and the cash registers. At the bakery, the employees access the CSBSystem online by means of hand-held data capture terminals with touch screens. The user interface is configured in such a way that it shows only the buttons for the required functions, so the operation is as easy as possible. The racks can even be cleaned with steam jets. “Right now, we are also installing racks in the oven area. This is the next step towards obtaining a full overview of the data in production”, says Michael Scheyerl, head of controlling.
Powerful subsidiary integration
At Rischart´s, freshness is top priority. The subsidiaries are supplied with fresh products directly from the bakery, up to seven times a day. “We supply our subsidiaries, which are all located in close range, several times a day so we can guarantee optimal freshness of our baked goods. This was a problem for our old industry software. In the CSB-System, now a matrix accurately portrays the required logistics. I am very satisfied with this solution.”
Each subsidiary centrally handles its orders in the CSB-System, which displays the assortment of bakery goods, pastries and confectionary items on screens in a userfriendly way. The order quantities are generated based on the comparison figures of the previous week or based on an order calendar. For example, this calendar lists the ordered item quantities for specific days such as Christmas or Easter of the previous years. These figures are suggestions in order to prevent surplus orders. Of course, the decision as such is still taken by the subsidiary manager.
Once a subsidiary order is received in the CSB-System, it is automatically transferred to the picking system. At the same time, production quantities are calculated, and the bakery schedule is generated. This way, every department receives exact information on which quantities of which products need to be produced during the night for the next day. Via the software, the corresponding batches can now be generated, and production can start. To maintain maximum flexibility, reorders from the subsidiaries are accepted until a certain time.
Entering orders directly via CSB
When the deliveries are complete at noon, the system automatically updates the figures of the delivery notes and adjusts them to excess production or shortages. The orders for the next day are not handled via the cash registers, but directly in the CSB-System. As a result Scheyerl can see in real time the items and quantities that were already ordered by the different subsidiaries. This facilitates easy prior checks and early queries at the relevant location. In the past, this was possible only after order closing at 4 p.m.
Amazon Prime is integrated
One of the current projects with regard to labeling is the delivery of fresh baked goods to Amazon Prime now in Munich. The bakery produces the incoming orders, packages the baked goods, attaches a label and delivers them to the local distribution center. Thanks to this cooperation, Rischart’s Backhaus is now certified to EAN, and also the CSB-System complies with the GS1 standard for the provision of the EAN codes.